Tuesday, July 11, 2017

My Final and Staple Skincare Routine with Lanelle Products

I've already told you my tale of skin woes. But, just for a short BG check I have ACNE-PRONE, OILY, and SENSITIVE SKIN. And you can see my pores a mile away. 
Products that only worked for me so far is BEAUCHE, BELO PRESCRIPTIVES and finally LANELLE. The latter is something we have to dab on. 
For product review on BELO PRESCRIPTIVES just click on the link.
I've dealt with my acne, oil, scars and blemishes half of my life.

So, why did I suddenly transfer to Lanelle if the 2 former products work? Simple. IT KILLED THE GLOW. Okay fine, we had the acne under control but my skin never looked so dull! And yes! What happened next was my search for that FINAL AND STAPLE skincare routine. The Holy Grail. Because my skin and I are tired from all the experimentation of possibly breaking out from new treatments. 
What I want? NO ACNE, ANTI-AGING and GLOW ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I guess, we are bound to change routines as we grow older. As our skin needs will vary with age. And hey, we're are definitely not getting any younger! 

Now, without any further adeu here are my FOREVER products: LANELLE with a few mixes in the set. I never get any pimples anymore even on my periods! Only at times where I FORGET to wash my face. That's why ladies and gents, no matter how tired you are WASH YOUR FACE IN THE AM AND PM! As for me, I was having a terrible stomach pain problems so imagine how I had to fight that every night just to wash my face and go about my nightly routine. 

I apologize though because I don't have any before pics that I can show. Hard to be fan of selfies having bumps poking out of your face with hideous scars. But, I do wish this pic will give you hope as well:

 Above snap is me now! No makeup whatsoever on my face. Just YUMI LASHES and 3D Eyebrows from Strokes By Momoi Supe. Review on this click here.

1.  Start washing face with Lanelle Kojic Soap. (Forgive the image for it has been soaked whenever we take showers in the bathroom). My brother and I found out that using it like this without cutting is more "tipid". This is like the HG of all. Me missing just one wash in the evening makes me breakout the following days! :(( I've learned from my years and yeaaaaaarrss of experience how the soap alone is already a game changer! I always need to have this in my stash or else! XD I may change my anti-aging creams but this is something I'll never or can never give up!
 PRICE: 210.00 php per bar

2. TONE. Get a cotton ball and apply on face in circular motion. I may have modified my kit since using Lanelle Toner contains stronger ingredients such as Retinoic Acid, I use SKIN 101's 2% Clindamycin Toner as alternative. This is to avoid my face getting red since I do have sensitive skin.
I forgot the price but I think it's around 250-350 php. It's been more than half a year and I still haven't purchased a new bottle.
Clindamycin is an antibacterial agent great to fight and prevent acne. Alcohol is not too strong based on the scent.

3. DRY THOSE PIMPLES! I used to apply BENZOYL PEROXIDE 5% from Benzac AC. Be careful though, percentage differ on the patient from mild to severe conditions. There's also 2.5% which is the milder one. You may start with that. However, since a tube costs around 350.00 php or more in drugstores per 60g. I decided to shift to a cheaper BUT not having to sacrifice quality.
This is pretty handy dandy moreso portable and cheap! Only 55.00 php in Watson's. A pack goes a loooong way! Not sure if they have it in other drugstores tho. But best place to look are in SM Malls.
Feel free to read the description for more of its purposes.
Remember: This is a SPOT TREATMENT only for AM and PM. I don't use it on the whole face. Not sure if you can. It has key ingredients such as Salicylic Acid (great for drying zits and unclogging pores) + Glycolic Acid for exfoliation. It hits 2 birds in one stone: DRIES PIMPLES and HEALS BLEMISHES. Works like a charm! I think they released ones in tubes now! 

Just an added bonus, here are other variants of QUICK FX, all costing 55.00 php only each.
Credits to blogger www.askmewhats.com for the pics!
CREDITS TO www.askmewhats.com for the pics on GOOGLE.

 4. FIGHT THOSE EYEBAGS! I used SNOE BEE HAPPY before. But, took the leeway of trying something new! I came across OLAY. It's not exactly tinted. I recalled the saleslady saying it somehow corrects the dark circles upon application hence the nude color. Works fine though!
around 1,299 php as far as I can remember. Sorry, I happen to find almost all eye creams are expensive! Huhu! I shifted to this because SNOE was around 1,500 php. Well, to no luck on cheaper eye creams except the QUICK FX.

5.  PUT ON THE SUNSCREEN (also my moisturizer btw)! 2nd personal favorite of mine: Lanelle SBF Collagen Cream with SPF 30. Why is it pink? Becaaauuuse to give you that rosy effect! Hehe! And the best thing about it is the powdery finish. Whatever redness you have on your face it helps fade it out. Which in turn giving you a fresher and glowy look! Collagen and sunscreen in one! And, yes! You may skip the foundation!
PRICE: 450.00php

Almost out! Don't leave home without it! This is my nth product!
You may read more of its benefits here.
Almost there!

1. Wash with Lanelle Kojic Soap Again.
2. TONE. This time I use Lanelle Whitening Toner. Also a game changer! It's anti-aging and also clears out blemishes! I blew up the images so you may read description and benefits!
You know what to do, 3 drops on a cotton ball is enough for me. Then I use upward strokes. This lasts me to almost a year. But in the end, it really depends on the user.

3. Apply Quick FX to dry zits.
4. GOODBYE BLEMISHES. I apply Lanelle Bleaching Cream on my dark spots and post-acne marks. Although, you may put them on pimples you see brewing blemises underneath for a faster cure. 
Depending on your skin condition, some put this on their entire face to even out skin tone. If you do, you will experience peeling in the next few days and maybe redness with itching. This is normal, eventually your skin will shed those and be back to normal. This is amazing because I used to have a huge scrape on my face hit by a rattan stick. After the scab fell off it left a blemish which the bleaching cream miraculously eradicated without a trace! Truly, heaven sent!
PRICE: 350.00php

5. Apply OLAY for the eyebags again.
6. FIGHT AGING! As soon as you hit 25 y/o., start using products to help delay aging. As for me I drink YOUTHEORY Collagen Supplements as my internal care. I will review more about it soon so you're not overwhelmed with too much info for now. Anyways, as a topical nightly treatment there's a lot that I tried including ETUDE Moistfull Collagen Water Jelly Cream. It was really nice because it feels like my face just drank water after and adds a cooling effect. Great for summer! However, when I ran out I was given a free sample from Lanelle called the Wonder Cream.
It's placenta and Vitamin E. I wake up with a more glowing and fresher skin. I noticed a whitening effect as well. 
NOTE: With anti-aging products, I think this is something you can still play around on which works for you. As long as you have your acne already under control, stick to those products. While anti-aging ones are safe to try. However, if you notice a breakout observe for a few days more before you give up on it. I've been wanting to try out serums these days! Especially Kiehl's. Though it costs 2,895.00 php that is only good for 3 months. So, no thank you! XD LOL.
For now, the wonder cream may also be a keeper! Been using it since March 2017 - 5 months and I still have this amount left. :)

** You can ICE your face! Lol. Use a cold compress or wrap ice around your hanky before you wash your face in the morning. It helps depuff eyebags, delays aging, reduces blemishes and minimizes pores.
** Massage face and undereye area to distribute equally blood and promote circulation.
** For permanent or Icepick Scars and stubborn blemishes you can resort to lasers. Check out my REVLITE review in Skin 101 here.
I've been taking Lanelle Products going 2 years now and have no regrets! I hope you may find it helpful and effective for you too!

More pics of my bare face: one on date night and one in the beach! :D 

I am even confident to go bare for SLR shots. Snaps taken with Fujifilm XT10:

Stay tuned: 
** DIY Home Remedy Mask to tighten and reduce pores!
** Skin supplement to make you look younger and attain glow from the inside out!