Monday, March 9, 2015

Battle Against Tired Eyes, Fine Lines & Dull Skin

Got problems with puffy eyes, dark circles and, fine lines? The eyes say a lot about a person's age. At first I thought the same creams I was using for the entire face will work also with the skin around the eyes. However, I've read that since the skin around the eyes are much thinner than the rest of the area of the face, a different formulation is needed to penetrate it.

As you can see below my skin underneath the eyes are VERY PUFFY and is quite bothersome since I go to photoshoots a lot (I am a cosplayer btw). Reason for the heavy bags? Lack of sleep (from watching anime & TV series til dawn), lack of hydration and most probably too much sodium intake since I eat junk food a lot and like salties. I guess my skin structure and genetics differ with other skin types as well that is why mine is more prevalent than the others'.
(Picture taken last February 21, 2015)
I have been focusing all my life how to prevent and treat acne and forgot to treat other areas.
I've been using Garnier Eye Brightening Roll-on with caffeine which btw this ingredient is known to reduce puffiness. It helped a bit but not with the fine lines.

Now, are you ready to get rid of those eeewy bags?

1. Use ice cube on the face. 
I do it every morning and night.
Benefits: makes skin smoother, minimizes pores, fights wrinkles, makes topical products penetrate the skin better, reduces puffiness and helps reduce blemish on a fresh pimple.

For a detailed info on icing, go to this site:

There is this instant glow, minimized pores, rosy cheeks and, freshness on the face after using! :)

2. Drink lots of H20.
To keep flushing out toxins and sodium from the body.

3. Sleep, of course. 
Between the hours of 10 PM to 2 AM, that is the time the skin regenerates and repairs itself. It also prevents from having new pimples on the face when you wake up.

4. Skin Care Routine.
Pond's Dual Action Eye Cream
I just bought this last Sunday and costs P499 only. It was the least expensive among the other brands that I know of like Olay, Loreal, Etude, The Face Shop, etc.

Description from Pond's Official Website:
Brighten your upper eyes and sooth your eye bags with this unique dual-formulation! Enriched with Intelligent Pro-Cell Complex™ and CLA, the Pink Upper Eye cream fights wrinkles and lines, while the White Under Eye cream reduces puffiness and dark circles.

So, the pink cream goes to your upper lids while the white is applied below the eyes. It is said that the pink cream is used to give the upper lids a lift while the white cream brightens the dark circles and helps reflect the light that emphasizes the lines or puffiness on the skin.

My second skin care product for the rest of my face is Professional Skin Care Formula's Collagen w/ Elastin Cream.
We all know that COLLAGENS are very EXPENSIVE whether it be a drink, tablets, pills, or creams. But, you can take this baby home for P120 from Market! Market! However, this brand has already gone viral and can get from direct suppliers which costs way lesser. A lot have reviewed, repacked, and re-labeled this and turned out to be effective for them regardless of its cheap price. Even celebrities like Ashley Gosiengfiao, Jahziel Manabat and Teejay Marquez use this "miracle" cream.
What I love about this is that mild powdery scent and you get this instant glow upon application, same goes with the Pond's Dual Action Eye Cream.

Use creams both AM & PM. But, for acne prone skin like me pls. be careful because not all are hiyang with this product. During the summer of 2013, I used this without any acne-fighting soaps or astringents and broke out like crazy! I used it with the Collagen Soap too before. Though for others it worked so miraculously but, as for me, I had to spend time trying to repair the damage. That's why I am using this along with my products from BELOMED and regular facials. (I will do a review later on my regular facial treatments)

Time for the results! The picture below was my 2nd time using this product.

You can see that it brightened and refreshed my face a bit. This was after icing and washing my face in the morning, completely without any makeup. Pardon me for the red spots though coz my skin is very sensitive so, I get them at times after washing or even when just sweating. Prior to the creams, I have been using the ice cube technique for a couple of weeks now, hydrating and trying to sleep earlier as much as possible. As you can see, the puffiness have been reduced already.
Given the fact that this was only my 2nd time using these products, I believe that bigger improvements are about to come! :)

I will update you guys soon!

Lotsa love,
Aya Ezmaria

Sunday, February 8, 2015


“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! 
(Deuteronomy 30:19 NLT)

God laid down 2 paths:life and death,so choose  life. I believe that when it comes to this,people need to be cognizant and not ignorant. Upon opening their eyes to such sensitive  topics, it also help protect them from wrong thinking, judging others and even putting oneself to condemnation.
The same goes with having the 10 commandments and God forbidding the fruit in the garden to Adam and Eve. It is not enough to just know the right things to do because how are you able to prevent yourself  from doing wrong things if you don't even know what the bad things are in the first place?

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6 KJV)

Yet, you have to bethink first and let me make it a point that sin is over with and we no longer live under  a set of rules but, under the grace of God wherein He lives in our hearts and His Spirit guides and prompts us. This does not automatically come however but, you need to accept Christ first in your life as your Lord & Savior, confess your sins and believe that He died for you. (1 John 1:9 NLT)

So, what's the first thing that comes into your mind when I mention these?


1. BEER - there's nothing wrong with drinking. There, I said it! It took me guts and years to finally say this. Now, before you burn me at the stake while calling me a "hypo", Scripture tells us that "When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God." (Galatians 5:19-21 NLT)

Getting DRUNK is the culprit! Remember, that God looks at the heart. The question here is, what leads to this action?
*MOTIVES: if your motive is to get drunk to have intercourse with the next person in your table and do it, then it is a sin.
*BELIEVERS STUMBLING INTO SIN: be careful in doing this infront of other believers or those who believe you are redeemed and not know any better. God will not judge us for drinking a sip of wine or a bottle of beer but, what about the people around you with or without faith like yours?

I am neither condemning this nor encouraging it. I myself don't drink and upon knowing this still doesn't make me want to for I have my own convictions. Nevertheless, this has enlightened me on a lot of things and renewed the way I think so, stop beating yourselves and others whenever you hear the word BEER. There are 3 types of Christians: those who completely stop drinking, those who drink a little for medical/social reasons and those struggling to fight the thirst. Either way, we have no right to judge them because we are all a work in progress. And God is faithful and just to finish the good work that He started in us.

2. ANGER - emotions do not ask permission if they could come in. This is a natural human response when we get hurt or offended, I know I do.
But, in your anger do not sin (Ephesians 4:26). Again, what leads to anger? People who are hot at the moment tend to do stupid things that is why it is very rational to not let the sun go down while you are still angry or else you are giving the devil a foothold. Anger leads to bitterness, bitterness to hate, and hate to murder.Even if you do not kill someone, God already sees hate as murder.

3. MONEY - MONEY AIN'T BAD. Money buys  you new clothes, gadgets, a car, a home and pays the monthly bills! It is the LOVE OF MONEY that is an iniquity.
"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil..." (1 Timothy 6:10 NLT)
People who rely on money for love, status, safety and security are usually led astray. Millions of dollars or pesos that you worked for so hard in your entire life can go down the drain in just one bad business deal dragging everything else that you attached with it from your life. This is why a lot of people end up in suicide or criminal acts. Know, trust, and let God be our ultimate Provider in heaven and you will not be put to shame. He delights in the prosperity of his servant (Psalm 35:27) and as you seek Him first in your life ALL these (blessings) shall be ADDED unto you (Matthew 6:33).

4. SEX - do you know that sex is a GOOD CREATION OF GOD? A gift from above which is sacred and holy. But, outside marriage it is a sin. It is something that the devil is using the media to pervert our minds and is seducing people to engage in pre-marital sex (Exhibit A: 50 Shades of Grey, I highly not recommend this). 
Not to mention people ending up as teenage moms and sex scandals exploding like mushrooms in the world wide web. It certainly has no blessing. Sex outside marriage is automatically lust and God considers lust as adultery.

5. TATTOOS - "Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. I am the LORD." (Leviticus 19:28 NLT)
First & foremost this was written in the Old Testament which we are btw now, in under the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ who redeemed us by taking our place on the cross.
Second, if we are to let the bible interpret the bible, this scripture is talking about pagans or a cult practicing witchcraft who cut their bodies and put permanent marks on their skin.
Again, going back to motives. If you plan on getting a tattoo, why and who do you wish to glorify? We are told to honor our parents too meaning when you are still living under their roof and they say NO, we should  respect that. This also goes with abiding to school rules & policies. It depends. Some of our church  pastors have tattoos and I don't think it's the main factor that defines them but how they live their life. They all love God, love people and glorify God by living holy lives. On the other hand, there are professing Christians having no tattoos but instead, living in a life of sin. What we put on our skin will not define us as with putting bumper stickers saying "JESUS IS______" on our cars.
Learn more about this on

Liberating isn't it? So, chill, relax, and breathe! Now, you don't have to give yourself 39 lashes just because you thought or blurted out these things. Enjoy the redeemed life God has bestowed upon us with renewed minds and hearts! :)

Saturday, February 7, 2015


The difference of being in a relationship between 
This also goes out to Christian women dating a non-believer (I am not talking about a religion but, one without a solid relationship w/ Christ).
Has a relationship w/ Christ & can talk about Him openly.                                 
*A bit allergic. Prolly gets bored while while you talk & is not interested to hear you out again. You are maybe even exposing him. Napapaso kumbaga.

He cares about your problems even if it doesn't concern him and encourages you with the word of God.   
*He may not want you at all instead, needs you for something else, could be carnal pleasures.
*He's self-centered & all he wants is what life can offer him at the moment.
 *He doesn't really care what you're going through.

You both don't party and drink and does wholesome things 

*Will he even accept that? Or he might even get bored with you.
*He is out at night drinking & you can't come coz it's not your thing or can't come coz it's not your thing or lifestyle anymore. You live in 2 unmitigatedly different worlds!                                                                       
You both go to church.   
*Will he even want to go with you or make an effort?

He is faithful & loyal.                                
* He might leave you for someone else, SOMEONE HOTTER.

He doesn't flirt with other girls. He knows what is right from wrong and not because he can't do it but, he doesn't want to even when no one is looking. He is satisfied with you. When he
is driven under temptation they ask God for help & grace to overcome.       
*There's a 99% chance HE WILL esp. once he is bored with you. But players are never satisfied and
will follow their flesh or "hype" of the moment. Definitely not worth it.                                                    
He is willing to change and be molded by God.   
*Too proud or egotisic to change. Will even tell you, "This is who I am. So, deal w/ it."
Afraid & doesn't plan to hurt you.    
*May hurt you along the way because all he cares about is himself.

Will not try to steal someone else's woman.  

* "Don't care. I will steal her if I want to. "Di pa naman kasal eh (they're not married yet)."
Will back away once he knows a person is taken & doesn't want to cause harm/conflict.     
* "I WILL NOT BACK AWAY COZ I'M A MAN!!! I will follow my pleasures all the way!                                                                                                  
Will not use you for any personal gain.
* Will most likely do. Money? Fame? Trophy GF? Or maybe an accessory coz me thinks your HOT! Makes you a fine booty call too!

Accepts who you are even the embarrassing sides of you or weaknesses or even what you do for a living. He doesn't care as long as he loves you.   
* Ask yourself, "Will he accept me in a lowly job or that I am not rich yet or doesn't have a car? If he sees me in my work or what I do, will he find it embarrassing? Will he still love me?

Will support you in the things you wanna do even if he doesn't like it.                
(Exhibit A: Cosplay Cons=geek overload). He wants you & helps you becomes successful. He will not stop you from having a career of your own. He will befriend all your friends & get to know them genuinely & trusts you that you have only eyes for him.               

PLAYER                                                                                             * Will he support you in what you love to do? Will he even go with you to cons? He might even force you to be a stay-at home wife coz he doesn't want exposing you  to any men other than himself. But, he also wants other women to himself) You can't but he can!
 * He'll ban you from your guy friends & tells you to stop being friends & hanging out w/ them.

REAL MAN                               
He will be loyal and faithful to the end & will always try to better himself for you and the family.   

* Might even be playing around w/ girls w/o you even knowing about it, thinking: "OK lang, basta hindi mahuli (it's okay as  long as she doesn't catch me)."

Trustworthy even from a distance you cannot see each other at the moment or maybe even he's out of the country or a seaman.You can trust him that he will not do anything stupid or something that will give you doubt. He will make efforts to gain your trust & would not want to ruin it.                  
PLAYER                                                                                              * He's prolly already out getting drunk w/  w/ his friends and flirting w/ girls. And his excuse is this: they have a business mtg. he has to attend & will come home late. he is and can't help but think he is w/ someone else.
*Your heart is always doubtful & not at peace. You're always worried where he is.

He is WILLING TO WAIT in marriage, sex, etc.)    
* HE WANTS IT NOW bec. of  *ehem* personal  issues.  

He will save sex for marriage & will honor & respect your body. A real man will bring you to his house to meet his parents not when its empty.             
 * He'll keep trying ways to get you in bed  may that be subtly giving hints or force you. & use your emotions against you with an overly ridiculous pick-up line: "If you love me, you'll have sex w/ me."                                                                                          

He won't even touch a hair on your head.      
* He'll beat the crap out of you if you don't submit to his demands or when he just feels like it and makes you his personal punching bag coz he's drunk or drugged.

He sees you having a relationship w/ Christ is BEAUTIFUL. 

* BOOOOOOOOOOOORIIIIING! We can't party & have sex. Too holy!

If you try to break up w/ him eventhough you really don't want to and tests if he's gonna come after you - HE WILL. He'll do everything to SAVE your relationship, compromise & work it out.   
* Says, "No problem. I can replace you in an instant. This is freedom for me."  (But in reality, ends up miserable & regretful after he had partied for awhile & let loose he calls you to take him back. LOL).

I am not saying that a man must perfectly have ALL these qualities and that we must have a checklist. We all know that no one is perfect and we are a work in progress. But, the bible tells us to strive in becoming a better person each day. If ever you fail or have done some of these things don't beat yourself too hard but, accept Christ in your life.
But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. (1 John 1:9 NLT)
God loves you and He is not saying the do's and dont's to show us who's boss. His heart is immutably geared toward for our benefit and protection because He always wants the best for us. :)

It's good to have our fathers take their daughters on a date to show them how they should be treated by real men. 
As with our Father in heaven, He chose the perfect example and role model of relationships - JESUS CHRIST. And when we put GOD in the center of our relationship, couples move closer together.
See how Jesus relates to the people & how he loved them. He was insulted but did not insult back. They hated him but, He loved them unconditionally til death on the cross. He was ready to lay down his very life from the beginning. 
So, how the Father loved the church as His bride so, should the man love his wife/woman. And of course, the wife because of the extravagant love she receives will naturally respond back with respect to her man/husband.
The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22 NLT)
A relationship that is from heaven is a relationship that will make you rich in joy & peace. 
You are His princess, let no one else treat you differently. :)

Friday, February 6, 2015

My Skin Care Routine: Belo Prescriptives

I know a lot of you have been struggling with acne not only during our puberty years but some haunts us until in our 20's onwards which is what you call, adult acne! 6 years that I have battled with acne not just the T-zone area but the cheeks as well. So yes, that's all of the possible areas where zits can grow on my face. Though I can't find any more pictures to show you but, eww, right?
There were only 3 products that worked best for me which I will also reveal to you later on but right now, I will be focusing on Belo Prescriptives.

First of all I wanna tell you how amiable the staff are. They would even serve you water, coffee or juice while waiting inside the clinic. Not bashing or anything but, basing on my personal experience, most of online dealers or that are not yet well-known are snobs or have attitude problems. It's like they're the ones who's doing you a favor when you are the one paying them. Being in sales before, I've learned how to be humble and respect the client no matter what especially that you are the person representing the brand. Well, Belo really does live up to their name.
Anyways, I go to Belo Alabang which is situated Westgate.

When we hear "BELO" the first thing that comes to our heads is "papa-retoke yan" or "it's too expensive."
Before we can avail of their products we need a consultation from the doctor which costs P600.00
My derma is Dra. Mina who's totally friendly as well. She made sure that I get the best at the same time most affordable treatments (because prescription depends on the judgment of the derma).
You pay P600.00 only once and the rest of your follow-up consultations are waived of or becomes FREE. Whatta deal right?

Take note, this is NOT A PAID AD. I just wanna be able to help those who have the same throes with me.

Dra. Mina explained to me how we get acne. The oilier your face is the more prone you are. Our skin naturally sheds and when oil and bacteria becomes trapped inside, it becomes infected thus resulting to acne. That is why we have to exfoliate to be able to unclog our pores especially from the dead skin cells that have been shed.

The following are the prescriptions for my case (nevermind the Garnier and UA whitening cream above) and I've been using them for a year now. I've also been keeping track how long each product lasts and found out the value for the money:

1. GLYCOLIC SOAP (10%) - P300.00
I started with 2 bars of 5% Glycolic soap. Afterwards, the other doctor that I've consulted with prescribed this one with a higher concentration.
Glycolic Acid helps greatly in the exfoliation of skin, can help diminish blemishes and dry pimples.
*I use this day and night.
It can be cut to 6 pieces and can last for 6 months.

Contains Clindamycin which is an anti-bacterial agent that fights pimples!
*Use in the morning and at night with a cotton ball after washing with Glycolic soap.
Lasts for 8 mos. & 19 days

Contains Benzoyl Peroxide which helps dry pimples really fast!
* Before I used to put this M-W-F all over my face at nighttime. Since my skin is better, I just do a spot-on treatment where there are zits or acne.
Lasts for 5 mos. & 20 days

4. DLC PEELING CREAM - P1,300.00
Contains a really small amount of Tretinoin. It treats mild-moderate acne and prevents premature skin aging.
I didn't experience peeling, if there was it's definitely not visible and won't show cracks with your foundie on.
* I used this T-TH-SAT until now.
Lasts for more than a year. I bought this last January 8,2014 and I still have some today. Still my first purchase.
As with all Tretinoins there would be a purging stage wherein pimples from underneath your skin will resurface. I did breakout for a few months but I didn't lose hope. This is where your facial comes in. I was prescribed to do a regular Glycopeel cleaning treatment which costs 1,200 pesos. I didn't want to do this at first since I already paid a lot and hoped to maintain only with topicals. But, when I underwent this treatment for the first time, my breakouts STOPPED. The topicals worked faster and more effectively afterwards. 
Doing regular cleanings is VERY IMPORTANT. My face was radiant and smooth after the treatment and didn't leave any scars on my face when it healed.

Inhibits the formation of Tyrosinase which is responsible for discolorations or blemishes on the face.
* T-TH-SAT it is mixed with DLC peeling cream. 1/2 + 1/2 of each on your fingertip.
Bought last April 9, 2014 - I still have it now.

Contains 2% Salicylic Acid which dries pimples fast (esp. cystic ones) and reduces oiliness on skin. Also, diminishes pore size and fine lines which helps smoothens skin.
It has 60 circular pads which you can cut into 4 pieces to maximize its use. Used AM & PM. However, since it becomes shiny on my face I used this only at night.
Lasted 9 months for me since I cut the pads into 4 pieces.
I did not need to repurchase again. :)

To this day of February 7, 2015, I am only using the 10% Glycolic soap and, Acne Astringent. a the products I am repurchasing. That depends on me if I will repurchase DLC Peeling Cream as soon as it runs out since my skin is smooth and clear now. But, maybe I will since it helps with preventing premature aging. It's a must to exfoliate you know! :)

An estimate of P3,000 out of your budget for your skincare ANNUALLY.
If with DLC, that's P4,200 
Or if you want buy a Benzoyl Peroxide cream from drugstores which costs around P300-P400 only and lasts a long time equals P2,400 only without the DLC. With DLC = P3,700.

I go to the nearest clinic (Trimline Spa) for an RF, Cleaning, and Diamond Peel on the face when I feel like I need it. They have a promo that would cost P960 for everything. 
I will tell more about this in another blog. So, keep your eyes peeled! :) 

Another beauty product that works for 99% of the people also with me (used it for 2 years):
BEAUCHE - P750.00 for the whole set.
Much expesnive though since the products last for 1-2 months only. I am a very matipid person and 2 months is pinaka-max na. The 2 creams that runs out fast will cost you around P450.00 each every 2 months. So. thats P450 x 6 months = P2,700 ANNUALLY that's exlcuding the soap, toner and solution.

Yes, I am quite vain about this because I work as a full-time host/model that is why I have to take care of my skin and keep it young. I have other secrets which I will also tell you in my next blogs. :)

Thanks to BELO, I am no longer battling with acne! Maybe here and there when the time of the month comes but, I don't get cystic ones anymore. I can now go out with not much makeup or even a foundation on. :)

Visit for more info!

WITH LITTLE TO NO MAKE-UP (no edit, taken from LG G2 selfie cam):


Dating Because He's Hot: The Dangers of Not Knowing Your Man

Everybody who lived in the 90's know and love Disney Channel's Lizzie McGuire! After those awesome years of teenhood I was given again the wonderful opportunity of watching Lizzie McGuire the Movie thanks to Family Fox Channel! To be honest, it's only now in my mid-20's that I  truly understood its message to the viewers.
To give a short summary, Lizzie was just an ordinary girl looking for an extraordinary adventure. And it's every girl's romantic fantasy to meet their handsome prince charming, hold hands while walking down the cobstones of Italy, be dated under the beautiful starry night of Rome and be wined and dined like a princess. Lizzie had that chance when she met teen pop superstar, Paolo. She had only counted but the most romantic days of her life than what a girl could ever dream of. Paolo was rich, handsome, charming and a total gentleman. Lizzie felt like she had known this guy all her life when they just met and dated 3 days. However, it all shattered when she learned that he was only using her for his personal gain and never genuinely loved her. In the end, Lizzie realized that she really loved her best friend who was there for her since the very beginning.
I know we all dream of a "Paolo" in our romantic stories or let's just say in pinoy terms, a Daniel Padilla kind  of boyfriend or date Enrique Gil or maybe even go wild with James Reid. But, sometimes we try to look so far away when it's just right there in front of our eyes. We have this check list of that perfect  man. Hate to break your bubble but he doesn't exist! It is a mere illusion created by the media to stir up imagination, pleasure and, to attract more viewers (though some promote reality and gives a good hard lesson as with this movie).

As one meme goes, we've been looking for Superman when we've been passing by Clark Kent all our lives. I'm not saying that we date and kiss all our bestfriends but the point is, you need to know your man first. Trust is a very important factor (whether he looks like Brandon Routh or NOT) to know if he is just using you for his personal  gains, maybe even for his carnal pleasures or if he truly  loves you.

"Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand."The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell-- and great was its fall." Matthew 7:26-27 NLT

One without a solid foundation will surely crumble when the hardships come. Of course, the BEST foundation is the one that is built on a rock - JESUS CHRIST, the ultimate role model of relationships.

It might take months or even years to raise that foundation but BE PATIENT. Though he may be or may not be the one, always be guided and keep trusting GOD to write our perfect love story. Keep in mind & heart that the BEST things come for those who wait and those who wait are REAL MEN. :)

Something Interesting About Me

Back in High School, I used to be this punk rock chic. I never really wasn’t the type of trying to fit in the norm so, I would wear a bonnet every time I go out, wear army pants, spikes, chains and choker. Sum 41, Blink 182 and, Avril Lavigne were some of my favorite bands and like every avid fan, I rocked the guitar! In my college years though, I turned into a more mature genre so, we played a lot of alternatives and grunge. Finch, Nirvana, Black Sabbath & Soundgarden were some of it! People would stare at me coz I dress differently and others who don't understand would tease me.  I read tons of fictional novels on Dragons, Fairies, and Wicca. That was my life before, I breathed on music and books. At some point in my life I even started practicing witchcraft which of course I now regret.
My heart was broken earlier days in my college when I found my ex was cheating and even was the one who broke up with me. Then my friend taught me how to dress like a woman.  I learned how to prettify myself and wore skirts and heels. I liked it though and I looked different. Until I brought all of those change in the modelling world. Bikini, lingerie, and boudoir were my only pegs. That is why having a picture like this is a FIRST since 2008. I forgot how to be myself and didn’t even know who I was anymore. I became a person I didn’t even like. But, then I remembered again. I was encouraged and saw people in the cosplay world who are not afraid to be themselves especially in how they dressed up. This gave me back my courage and inspiration. I’ve realized that I still prefer wearing comfortable shoes over heels and even hoodies to keep me warm.
I am not afraid once again in wearing loud colors, printed pants, putting a bonnet on my head or not even wearing too much make-up at times. We cosplayers are not just people wearing odd clothes even on a normal day…we are ARTISTS and I am PROUD TO BE ONE! We don’t go with the flow! We set the trend!  So, don’t ever be afraid to show the world the real you! Don’t be bothered by what people think about you. Some may understand and some may not. But, you’ll never know when you are already inspiring someone, like me! And heck, you don't have to show the entire world your cleavage or put on a heavy load of make-up just to be attractive because you are already beautiful just the way you are! There is so much talent and potential in you to be just showing off your physique! And, remember, you are one-of-a-kind! So, BE YOURSELF!
To all my fellow cosplayers, arigatou gosaimasu! Gambatte! Keep inspiring the people around you! :D

Thursday, February 5, 2015

How Do I Know If He's the One?

This is a gazillion dollar question everybody's been searching for answers and still stands up to this very day. "Is he/she the one?"
I believe that everyone's looking for their "soulmates", the one they would spend their forever with. Many have experimented and searched even in books. But, I would tell you not even the bible tells you the exact name and description of the person you are looking for. Maybe it would have been easier if it already had for each of us but, God will not force people in your life that you do not desire in the first place. He is not that kind of God but a God who sent His Son Jesus so you may have and ENJOY abundant life and LIVE IT TO THE FULL 'til it overflows' (John 10:10 AMP). He knows the type of man or woman you want.

In our years of searching and relationship hopping, the key and the only answer to "Who's the one?"...

Are you ready?

 Simply, MAKING A DECISION that "this person is the one" and "being the one" for that person.

Of course, I'm not saying to go on just deciding on every man and woman that you meet but, there are things you must consider too. In the end, God doesn't want you betrayed, unhappy, or beaten up.
Let's admit, we've been looking for that prince charming, knight in shining armor or that drop-dead-gorgeous princess from a far away kingdom, living happily ever after in a castle - every boy and girl's fantasy. I tell you, there will not be a perfect man or woman but, only an ideal man and woman! Reality  check, there will always be rough roads and even petty fights like "Why are you not texting a lot like you used to?" "Why did you forget our monthsary?" or maybe even something silly like "Why'd you say I look fat in this dress?" It's all about coming to accept the whole package of your partner both the good and the bad. It doesn't mean that because you just had this one fight you're not meant for each other or that you have to break-up and look for the nearest "alternative."  That is what a decision is all about - staying no matter how rough the situation you're in!  A relationship is about WORKING THINGS OUT and COMPROMISING. Of course, being beaten up or cheated on a lot of times is a different story. Be wise, that is why the head is on top of the heart.

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." (1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NLT)

I admit that I myself have hopped into a lot of relationships because the "feelings" are not there anymore. Let's be honest, the first few months or years as a couple consist of that "kilig factor" and "spark". Once it is gone, we believe that it's time to find another who would fill those feelings again. This is the reason why people end up in divorce or separation. The absolute truth is, feelings WILL come and go. It's no different with being happy all of a sudden and angry the next or from being hungry to being full. I believe that once you have firmly decided, those feelings will eventually follow. The way we think affects the way we feel. So, renew the way you think. (Romans 12:2)

1. Choose a partner who loves the LORD more than you. If he can love a GOD that is not seen, what more can he love a woman that he can see and vice versa.

2. Don't be in a rush because media and society tells you so. As you wait, prepare yourself to "be the one" and be the best partner a man or a woman can have. Don't be selfish. Love is about giving not getting and you cannot give what you do not have.

3. DECIDE TO LOVE everyday regardless of feelings. Let not your emotions have its control over you. Be the master over your feelings!