Friday, February 6, 2015

Something Interesting About Me

Back in High School, I used to be this punk rock chic. I never really wasn’t the type of trying to fit in the norm so, I would wear a bonnet every time I go out, wear army pants, spikes, chains and choker. Sum 41, Blink 182 and, Avril Lavigne were some of my favorite bands and like every avid fan, I rocked the guitar! In my college years though, I turned into a more mature genre so, we played a lot of alternatives and grunge. Finch, Nirvana, Black Sabbath & Soundgarden were some of it! People would stare at me coz I dress differently and others who don't understand would tease me.  I read tons of fictional novels on Dragons, Fairies, and Wicca. That was my life before, I breathed on music and books. At some point in my life I even started practicing witchcraft which of course I now regret.
My heart was broken earlier days in my college when I found my ex was cheating and even was the one who broke up with me. Then my friend taught me how to dress like a woman.  I learned how to prettify myself and wore skirts and heels. I liked it though and I looked different. Until I brought all of those change in the modelling world. Bikini, lingerie, and boudoir were my only pegs. That is why having a picture like this is a FIRST since 2008. I forgot how to be myself and didn’t even know who I was anymore. I became a person I didn’t even like. But, then I remembered again. I was encouraged and saw people in the cosplay world who are not afraid to be themselves especially in how they dressed up. This gave me back my courage and inspiration. I’ve realized that I still prefer wearing comfortable shoes over heels and even hoodies to keep me warm.
I am not afraid once again in wearing loud colors, printed pants, putting a bonnet on my head or not even wearing too much make-up at times. We cosplayers are not just people wearing odd clothes even on a normal day…we are ARTISTS and I am PROUD TO BE ONE! We don’t go with the flow! We set the trend!  So, don’t ever be afraid to show the world the real you! Don’t be bothered by what people think about you. Some may understand and some may not. But, you’ll never know when you are already inspiring someone, like me! And heck, you don't have to show the entire world your cleavage or put on a heavy load of make-up just to be attractive because you are already beautiful just the way you are! There is so much talent and potential in you to be just showing off your physique! And, remember, you are one-of-a-kind! So, BE YOURSELF!
To all my fellow cosplayers, arigatou gosaimasu! Gambatte! Keep inspiring the people around you! :D

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