Friday, February 6, 2015

Dating Because He's Hot: The Dangers of Not Knowing Your Man

Everybody who lived in the 90's know and love Disney Channel's Lizzie McGuire! After those awesome years of teenhood I was given again the wonderful opportunity of watching Lizzie McGuire the Movie thanks to Family Fox Channel! To be honest, it's only now in my mid-20's that I  truly understood its message to the viewers.
To give a short summary, Lizzie was just an ordinary girl looking for an extraordinary adventure. And it's every girl's romantic fantasy to meet their handsome prince charming, hold hands while walking down the cobstones of Italy, be dated under the beautiful starry night of Rome and be wined and dined like a princess. Lizzie had that chance when she met teen pop superstar, Paolo. She had only counted but the most romantic days of her life than what a girl could ever dream of. Paolo was rich, handsome, charming and a total gentleman. Lizzie felt like she had known this guy all her life when they just met and dated 3 days. However, it all shattered when she learned that he was only using her for his personal gain and never genuinely loved her. In the end, Lizzie realized that she really loved her best friend who was there for her since the very beginning.
I know we all dream of a "Paolo" in our romantic stories or let's just say in pinoy terms, a Daniel Padilla kind  of boyfriend or date Enrique Gil or maybe even go wild with James Reid. But, sometimes we try to look so far away when it's just right there in front of our eyes. We have this check list of that perfect  man. Hate to break your bubble but he doesn't exist! It is a mere illusion created by the media to stir up imagination, pleasure and, to attract more viewers (though some promote reality and gives a good hard lesson as with this movie).

As one meme goes, we've been looking for Superman when we've been passing by Clark Kent all our lives. I'm not saying that we date and kiss all our bestfriends but the point is, you need to know your man first. Trust is a very important factor (whether he looks like Brandon Routh or NOT) to know if he is just using you for his personal  gains, maybe even for his carnal pleasures or if he truly  loves you.

"Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand."The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell-- and great was its fall." Matthew 7:26-27 NLT

One without a solid foundation will surely crumble when the hardships come. Of course, the BEST foundation is the one that is built on a rock - JESUS CHRIST, the ultimate role model of relationships.

It might take months or even years to raise that foundation but BE PATIENT. Though he may be or may not be the one, always be guided and keep trusting GOD to write our perfect love story. Keep in mind & heart that the BEST things come for those who wait and those who wait are REAL MEN. :)

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