Thursday, February 5, 2015

How Do I Know If He's the One?

This is a gazillion dollar question everybody's been searching for answers and still stands up to this very day. "Is he/she the one?"
I believe that everyone's looking for their "soulmates", the one they would spend their forever with. Many have experimented and searched even in books. But, I would tell you not even the bible tells you the exact name and description of the person you are looking for. Maybe it would have been easier if it already had for each of us but, God will not force people in your life that you do not desire in the first place. He is not that kind of God but a God who sent His Son Jesus so you may have and ENJOY abundant life and LIVE IT TO THE FULL 'til it overflows' (John 10:10 AMP). He knows the type of man or woman you want.

In our years of searching and relationship hopping, the key and the only answer to "Who's the one?"...

Are you ready?

 Simply, MAKING A DECISION that "this person is the one" and "being the one" for that person.

Of course, I'm not saying to go on just deciding on every man and woman that you meet but, there are things you must consider too. In the end, God doesn't want you betrayed, unhappy, or beaten up.
Let's admit, we've been looking for that prince charming, knight in shining armor or that drop-dead-gorgeous princess from a far away kingdom, living happily ever after in a castle - every boy and girl's fantasy. I tell you, there will not be a perfect man or woman but, only an ideal man and woman! Reality  check, there will always be rough roads and even petty fights like "Why are you not texting a lot like you used to?" "Why did you forget our monthsary?" or maybe even something silly like "Why'd you say I look fat in this dress?" It's all about coming to accept the whole package of your partner both the good and the bad. It doesn't mean that because you just had this one fight you're not meant for each other or that you have to break-up and look for the nearest "alternative."  That is what a decision is all about - staying no matter how rough the situation you're in!  A relationship is about WORKING THINGS OUT and COMPROMISING. Of course, being beaten up or cheated on a lot of times is a different story. Be wise, that is why the head is on top of the heart.

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." (1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NLT)

I admit that I myself have hopped into a lot of relationships because the "feelings" are not there anymore. Let's be honest, the first few months or years as a couple consist of that "kilig factor" and "spark". Once it is gone, we believe that it's time to find another who would fill those feelings again. This is the reason why people end up in divorce or separation. The absolute truth is, feelings WILL come and go. It's no different with being happy all of a sudden and angry the next or from being hungry to being full. I believe that once you have firmly decided, those feelings will eventually follow. The way we think affects the way we feel. So, renew the way you think. (Romans 12:2)

1. Choose a partner who loves the LORD more than you. If he can love a GOD that is not seen, what more can he love a woman that he can see and vice versa.

2. Don't be in a rush because media and society tells you so. As you wait, prepare yourself to "be the one" and be the best partner a man or a woman can have. Don't be selfish. Love is about giving not getting and you cannot give what you do not have.

3. DECIDE TO LOVE everyday regardless of feelings. Let not your emotions have its control over you. Be the master over your feelings!

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